

Children's Ministry

FBC’s Kids Ministry exists to come alongside parents in the disciple-making of the next generation through biblical teaching, care, and love.

Youth Ministry

Under the direction of Pastor Lance Mauldin, FBC Robbins Youth exist to Boast, Bond, and Build.

(Grades 7-12)

Music Ministry

Under the direction of Pastor Greg Pilson, FBC Robbins has a flourishing choir with practice on Sundays at 7pm.

Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry exist to serve the men through bibles studies, prayer groups, volunteer work, etc. to other men.

Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry exist to serve the women through bibles studies, prayer groups, volunteer work, etc. to other women.

JOY Club

J-ust, O-lder, Y-outh

this ministry exist to serve and minister to those who are Just Older Youth.

Want to Volunteer?

  • How can I Volunteer?

    Please consider the areas of ministry that our church has that best suites your spirital gifting. **Background checks are required by anyone serving in an area of ministry dealing with 18 years old and younger. 

  • How do I get a Background Check?

    That's simple. Reach out to one of our staff members, and they will point you in the right direction. 

  • Where Can I Serve?

    There are many areas to serve on a weekly basis such as teaching, prep meals, nursery, music etc. If you're interested in a specific area, talk to our ministerial staff or other key leadership to assist you possible place of service. 


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